✨ Named one of Arizona’s Top Women of Cannabis in 2023, President of FourTwenty-Collections, and Co-Founder of Blunt Brunch 🍃

Lets show some love to the wonderful Parisa Mansouri-Rad! 🧡

@damarijuanamomma , @blunt.brunch , @fourtwenty_collections

What’s a struggle you have faced as a woman in the industry?
I think it’s been really challenging to have men look at you as an equal and a lot of times we get taken advantage of because we are women. Even other women have done this to other women. You know what I mean? It’s learning to trust the right people and to go into business with the right people. To make alliances as women we need to follow our gut and our instinct. Sometimes things look really shiny and pretty and you wanna go for it but do a little gut check first.

Why did you want to work in the cannabis industry?
My daughter Yazzy, who is now 21, back when she was 14 years old she had spinal fusion surgery and was prescribed opioids and she fell terribly ill due to the prescription. She had an adverse effect of her GI system and it completely paralyzed her stomach so she has a surgical tube that has been placed in her stomach where she gets formula and most of her nutrition. It’s totally different for us. So, obviously life is completely different and as a mom just being desperate looking for other options to help my daughter with her nausea, pain, and suffering. I found cannabis! I saw other parents were using it for cancer related issues and they had similar symptoms my daughter was having from gastroparesis. We tried it and it worked amazingly. Almost immediately we saw a difference and i felt so compelled to share this message with other parents who might also be skeptical and unsure what they should do.

How do you empower other women in the cannabis industry?
Via Blunt Brunch. It is an event series for executive women in cannabis and through our events we are able to have blunt conversations about things that women are going through. We come together as a community to help uplift each other and I feel like your vibe attracts your tribe and that’s exactly what Blunt Brunch is. It’s a true testament of what Adelia and I envisioned for ourselves and we are now in 5 different states. Hosting big national events with hundreds of women that come from all over the nation. It’s really exciting to have a space where women can be vulnerable but also be celebrated.

What’s your favorite Halo Infusions product?
Of course the Pure & Simple Juices!

Halo Infusions operates under Lic.00000120ESGW29293058

Named one of Arizona's Top Women of Cannabis in 2023, Parisa Mansouri-Rad Womens Empowerment Month Halo Infusions 1 Named one of Arizona's Top Women of Cannabis in 2023, Parisa Mansouri-Rad Womens Empowerment Month Halo Infusions 1 Named one of Arizona's Top Women of Cannabis in 2023, Parisa Mansouri-Rad Womens Empowerment Month Halo Infusions 1

#womensempowermentmonth #womenshistorymonth #womenintheindustry #womenpower #womenowned #bluntbrunch #fourtwentycollections #womenincannabis #pureandsimple #halowomenmonth #haloinfusionsaz