Cannabinoids are the unique compounds that bind to the human endocannabinoid system and instantly modulate or “balance” any inconsistency they find. This “homeostasis” property is further aided by other compounds present in the plant.

Cannabis is full of terpenes and phenolic compounds, which are also found in many other plants and are responsible for their bright colors, strong aromas and medicinal properties. While hundreds of studies on marijuana compounds like THC and CBD have shown significant efficacy, isolated compounds are just the beginning when it comes to the plant’s true healing potential. We truly believe in the whole plant.

It is now commonly recognized that the interplay of all these different compounds (known as the Entourage Effect), is really what makes medical marijuana so effective as a medicine. Whole Plant Therapy refers to the use of the full complement (or spectrum) of these compounds.

Full Spectrum Cannabinoid Therapy refers to the capturing of the broadest possible range of cannabinoids (and other compounds) when infusing products.Full spectrum welcome to the real entourage effect logo Halo infusions 

At Halo Infusions, our processes and methods employ extraction, storage, and infusion techniques that significantly help minimize the loss of key compounds. And while no method is foolproof, we strive to deliver cannabinoid and terpene profiles that are as complete as possible and truly representative of the original plant and its benefits.