Tinctures are liquid forms of medication (or elixirs), most commonly based upon extractions from plants. Prepared by infusing alcohol or glycerin with cannabis, tinctures provide an alternative to traditional ingestion methods.
Cannabis tinctures offer users a delivery method that does not involve smoking or ingesting edibles. An extraction of active cannabinoids from the whole cannabis plant, these infused liquids provide quick acting relief and finer dosage control, similar to that of smoking.
Harnessing the medicinal qualities of the plant’s ingredients through tinctures allows users to experience rapid absorption of cannabinoids through the blood stream, and thus maximize relief. The psychoactive effects of tinctures are typically milder than smoking, and dosage duration is far easier to control than with edibles.
Tincture effects are partially dictated by the plant’s strain. The characteristic medicinal results, an expression of the cannabis plant’s concentrations of cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, etc.), along with its dominant classification as Sativa or Indica, should help users decide on the best tincture for their condition. Cannabis tinctures can help relieve joint and muscle pain, migraines, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, seizures, and aid in appetite stimulation.
Administration & Dosage – Tinctures are most commonly taken sublingually (under the tongue) or in a drink. Dosage among users varies based on individual tolerance, generally between 10 and 25mg or 3-4 drops up to 1/2 full dropper (approx. 10 drops), with relief lasting from 2 to 6 hours.
Waiting an estimated 10 to 20 minutes is suggested before increasing one’s dosage, thus allowing enough time to pass for the medicine to activate and an optimal effect to be reached.
Cannabis tinctures are most potent when taken on an empty stomach, though it is not necessary for their activation.
Tinctures administered under the tongue will be absorbed faster than when added to a cup of tea, juice or coffee, though these options can sometimes be more palatable.
DISCLAIMER: Information provided is excerpted from sources including The National Institutes of Health, Mayo Clinic, WebMD, and Americans for Safe Access, as well as scholarly sources. This information is intended only to complement, not to replace or contradict, any health or medical advice or information provided by healthcare providers. Customers who have questions should contact their doctor or other healthcare professional. Rev 111721.